Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Finally got my album (; and now I've got both version so all I need to do is to wait for the repackage ^^

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

wednesday??no idea :)

hi. malas nak post about the shopping.so i'll just post some peaches here and there.
i'm tired .dunno why...
my class has been quarantine for two days.that Kathy woman asked us not to go to school for one week. but i'm going back tomorrow just for the physics quiz. -.-
i'm blurrr...
so don't care me. hah! i don't even know what i'm saying actually.
so,yeah. thats it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


heyhey(: Just when you realised you've lost somefink important,
you are damn far too late to catch back.

July's test over. tho i just turned up for Chemistry and History paper. Ba-Ha-Ha! and thats all thanks to the school canteen's food-i got keracunan makanan -.- Angel somehow wished she kena too and Su Chin the usual git, she likes it. LOL. anywayyys. I'm going KL this Saturday with friends. Aim?? SHOPPING fo sho! no doubt :D will try to sneak into Sg.Wang cause the plan said we are only allowed to shop at Time Square -.- and thats a shopping hell.My Kl's friends was actually planning to join me in the shopping. So I said I will text them on that day.

Its been so boring, ahhhhhh! I'm suposed to have my head buried down in History by now but it dosen't seemd like thats what i've got my head buried in. LOL, didn't mean to be kinky :)

never mind that. am prolly going to bed soon.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

teenage problems

hi (: i'm doing my sejarah homework. lol. i know i'm lazy and always but thats me.haha. so today is a Sunday.As usual,woke up around 7ish.dressed up and ate my breakfast. talked a lil to mom and left for tuition around 820ish. i'm always late =p and as usual,i never concentrate. lol. i was reading my novel,haha. left to church around 1012ish and then went for lunch at Black Canyon with my cousin sister. shopped a lil after that and bought some stuff from Yokoshi and 2 shirts(black & white).came home around 3ish and showered. watch tv for a bit and slept till 6.44 sharp.haha. woke up and done nothing untill 915ish. thats the time i started my homework.lol. texted with Jiayi and Su Chin and Chiou Har. exam's on Tuesday and i haven't study,not even the slightest bit. gosh! i know it's just July test but i should have studied. nevermind.
i had a row with mom last night.And its all my fault. i'm getting damn tension and nervous these days.i felt unsecure and i just can't find myself these days. i dunno whad am i doing lately too.all the time i was just doing homeworks and attending tutions and schools.tho i skipped alot.i'm just very stress. i dunno who to talk to. talk to mom?talk to dad?talk to friends? or talk to Jesus? idk and i had no idea. the path infront me is full of thick mist and i can't even see the road i'm walking on.i'm scared.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

who you think you are

shall i put my blog as private and only invite some people to view?
just so i can block some unfriendly viewers who viewed my blog and dare not to insult me here but in their blog instead.
You're so Chicken.

Monday, July 13, 2009

oh Paris.

'nothing in this world can turn out the light
i'm gonna make you feel alright tonight'

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Life is so...whatever.

I felt like a cinnamon roll today -.- You can go off and laugh your ass out and i don't even care :) I woke up at the wrong side of bed this mornig.my alarm sang at 6.30am sharp.I was wide awake starring to the dark surroundings.I was thinking something but i couldn't think of anything.I felt empty.woke up again at 8am sahrp and this time,i wasn't confused anymore.dressed up myself and had some nasi lemak for breakfast. left to tution around 8.20ish.the tution bores me out.this time i had no earphones sticking to my ears but a novel in my hand instead.i was reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter.Bought it quite a time but i got no time for it.left to pasar tani with mom.i'm acting like a sakai there.most of the veges was a stranger to me.LOL.went home around 11.15ish.Had putu mayam as light snack.dad and mum went out for lunch around 12ish and Josh left around 12.15ish to the mall with his friends.So i was all alone again.I played facebook the whole afternoon.I was fully immersed in the game Sorority Life.I owned loads of things that i wanted in the game but in realiti,i owned only one thing in the game-cellphones.this is so hurt when i think back. ahaha =] had nasi goreng kampung for dinner with Josh.dad & mom left for steamboat.i was searching throught my messed up book piles when i found my little long lost notepad.i was overwhelmed.. haha(: i miss that notepad so much.it had cows and milks and clouds on it.my things just went dissapeared as they wished and just showed up when they want.hmhm..oh,and this just pops up in my mind.
We all get lost once in a while,sometimes by choice,sometimes due to forces beyond our control.When we learn what is our soul needs to learn,the path presents itself.Sometimes we see the way out but wander further and deeper despites ourself.The fear,the anger or the sadness preventing ur returning.Sometimes we prefer to be lost and wandering.Sometimes it's easier.Sometimes we find our way out. But regardless,always,we are found.Remeber,not all who wander are lost.
i'd say i'm feeling a little empty-hollow.
i just hope that there's something aound to spice up my life.
i'm very emo today,i know.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Blue Monday.

ahaha.my messed up table and room.LOL. whad an opening.
hello world. =) erm,somehow i'm in a good mood now.came back from Sebastian 1hr ago.had a small piece of self-made durian cheesecake.oh yeah,i had bi bim bap today.haha.so yummy! after the cake,facebooked and played farmtown. i surfed on Twitter today amd its bored. -.-
eventually i skipped school today as i mentioned yesterday. third day of my period and having high fever. not H1N1 laa kay.so finally siggned up for the 30 Famine. anyone interested please contact me or su chin okay?i hope you guys will join tho.it's a great experience you know.
drop that aside. and below.....
Min Ho look so damn innocent and cute!!! yeah,not denying Yi Jong too.
gotta sleep now. mom is killing me.
night world,and night MJ.


at Cherating Steak House.
hi planet. =) i'm in a good good mood.
just so you know tho.
woke up around 8ish.took a chilly shower and left for chinese tution around 8.30ish. late for the class but its happens to me often.haha.had my both ear sticked to the earphone and never concentrate during the class.and thats why i never get an A for my chinese. so far i got only B3.LOL. sound like so bangga. gile...
daddy drived me to McDonalds for breakfast.had apple pie and sausage mcmuffin with a glass of orange juice.left home around 10.40ish. planned to go to church but canceled at the last minute cus Jine Yee can't go. she then suggested that we both shud go for LYPG(local youth prayer group) but i decided not to go. i'm very busy tho.
well,actually.i had a loooooong talk with mommy in her room this afternoon.we talk about sex and boyfriends and future.hmmmm....
went popular to get my mags around 5.30ish and left for dinner around 6.30ish. the sky was dark and it rains a lil.went Giant after dinner to get some ingredients for the cheesecake. yep! mommy and I are planning to bake a homemade durian cheesecake. and it works. now its' in the fridge. chilling process.hahahha!
planned to skip school tomorrow. need to get some work done and get some sleep too.
well,gotta get goin then.
good night,still Michael Jackson.